Thursday, March 19, 2020

Virus Invasion

While I am fighting my own personal battle, The Coronavirus invaded the world.

We came to the point of having Shutdowns in States, etc.

A worldwide crisis.

Even at the Conservatory, the dining-room is closed. Meals are to be delivered to our apartments. Social activities are curtailed. No visitors are allowed. Only Healthcare provided are allowed to enter. 

How long is this to last. We don't know. 

The stock market crashed.

The economy is sliding.

What next?

My sweet daughter and her husband decided that it is better for me to move in with them for the time being than to be left at the Conservatory since it was the new ruling that even family members were not welcome for visiting. So, we packed up what I needed for the time being and moved in with them.

I am one of the lucky ones. Many people have lost their jobs, etc. 

What next, indeed.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Begining A Journey

The road to recovery is long and slow. 

It has started. 

24 days ago, my wonderful surgeon got rid of my oral cancer after some 7 hours' hard and miraculous work at Methodist Hospital, in Dallas.
For the next two weeks, I breathed and was fed through tubes, etc. I cannot say that I remember much - there were endless nightmarish scenes I remember, of fighting the restrictions the nurses put on me, the many dying scenes (imaginary, as all those at the hospital would say; but, they were real to me.), and countless "baby steps" I took, such as learning to sit up, to stand up, to take a step  - one foot before the other - one step at a time . . .
Eventually, the tubes were gone. I was fed liquids and some purred foods. After being in the hospital ICU, for the most time, I was sent back to my home at the Conservatory - on the 3rd of this month.
Now, it has been Ten days after I have been at home.

True I am well on my way to recovery.
The hole in my neck has finally closed up.
The swelling on my face is much better. I still look like the Phantom though.
I can walk without help.
I can feed myself, after a fashion. No solids for a while yet.
Great improvement. I am trying to do word-puzzle everyday.
My Speech therapist is teaching me how to use my tongue. Saying certain alphabets are trying to me. I keep trying.
My energy level is rising, slowly and surely.
It is so good to talk to you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Cancer Surgery

Yes, I went for the surgery. I had a wonderful, masterful surgeon. He cut me up and put me back together. I look a fretful sight, but they said that I will heal and be "normal-looking" more or less eventually. (The 'more or less' is my interpretation.)
Now, I have to learn how to eat, how to speak, etc. It is a long haul, I am sure. But I am here. 
I will relay to you some of my experiences as a patient in the hospital - I thought that I died five times and came back and so on. I also did some awesome imaginary paintings, made some wonderful music, so on ... Will tell.
Good to be with the world again.