It has been a long while since I last wrote.
My "Winter Cold" turned into "Upper Respiratory Infection", then into "Acute Bronchitis."
Somewhere around that time, it seemed that my energy was totally drawn away from me. So did all of my brain matters. My spirit went off . . . I felt empty and not being able to write at all. By the fourth week, with little sleep, I was exhausted and had great trouble breathing.
The news of my good friend, Bev, having cancer did not help. While Bev was in the hospital, her husband died, I grieved for Bev.
Bev's husband had cancer and was undergoing treatment at the time Bev got ill. Bev went into the hospital in Dallas. a couple of weeks later, Max had their son took him to the hospital to visit Bev. Bev and Max apparently had a long and sad meeting and said good-bye to each other. Max wanted to die at home. So their son took him back home. He passed away the next day.
How Sad!
After three trips to the ER, several X-Rays, EKG, blood tests, breathing treatments, the ER doctors said that my heart was strong, I had enough oxygen in my lungs (I did not think so. I felt that I was drowning . . . ), and sent me home. However, the MRI did show that I had scars of emphysema.
I never smoked in my life.
Though my parents were heavy smokers. And in the early days of my Real Estate business, I had heavy smokers in my office for many years. Those days, you did not ask the smokers to go outside the building to smoke. I guess I inhaled enough smoke in my life.
I did go to a specialist finally, and he prescribed breathing treatments for me.
It did ease my breathing problem. I am gradually on the mend. More tests and visits to the doctors to come yet.
My three lovely girls had been wonderful. They took turns coming into Ada and staying with me, day and night. Suffered with me while I struggled to breathe, particularly in the middle of the night.
I gave them a Big Scare.
I had never being so ill in my whole life.
Yes, I still have some tells to tell yet. The book is not yet done.
So good to have you back! Missed your daily missives! Keep well my friend!