Monday, June 3, 2024


Finally, "The Expat", my second book is "live", as they say in the publishing world. It is the continuing story of my life. It is available on Amazon, as well.

My author's copy is on its way to me. 

In the meantime, life goes on at the Conservatory. We have many new residents recently. A number of them are couples, and a number of them seem to need more Help - more walkers, more confused ones trying to find their way in this maze of a building. We old hands do what we can to lend a hand.

Ever since Covid epidemic, we are encountering one problem after another - regarding the staff, the building, and the extreme changing weather. For the last three years, we had had three different chefs - one quit, one died, and one disappeared - we do not have a head chef right now. The kitchen staff pitches in. Life goes on. I don't complain much about the food, since I am not able to eat most of the regular foods anyway. I live with mostly purred and liquid foods. After four years. I am used to it. 

Life goes on, right.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Thursday, January 25, 2024

A Published Author

The Revised version of my book is finally published. It is not perfect, but much, much better than the first one. The ink is much darker and the size of the words is more to my liking. The format is now acceptable. I am also working on the eBook.

Time to work on the second.

I turned 95 two days ago. I don't have the luxury to dilly-dally. Do I?