Sunday, January 10, 2016


My friend, the Newly-elected President of my Writers' Club told us that instead of making New Year's Resolution for 2016, we should try to make Goals for the Year in the following areas:
  - Financial
  - Health
  - Fitness
  - Career
  - Relationships
  - Family
  - Education
  - Faith
  - Others
Write it down.
Then at the end of the year, take out the written list that we have made, and check to see where we stand. 
Have we met the goals?
Or, not?

What a great idea!
We should all try it. Don't you agree?

Thank you, Kathy.

So here are my goals:

Financial - Have my finances in order always. True, I am retired and am not concentrating on savings. That does not mean that I could or should spend more than my income. "Saving for the rainy day still applies."

Health - Boy, don't I know that Health is most important. Without good health, you have nothing. So, eat right, get enough rest, try to live with as little stress as possible. Simplify my life.

Fitness - Exercise! I failed in this department. I will try to do better - ride my stationary bike and do Yoga.

Career - It does not mean that I have to go out and get a job.  My painting is my career now. And writing my Blog. One has to have something to get up for everyday. Right? Yes, I am passionate about my painting. I am in a zone when I am making Art. I am at peace. So I will continue doing so for as long as I can.
I will continue with writing my Blog as well.

Relationship - With people?
I am a bit too straight forward, saying and telling like it is. May be I should "Tone Down" a little. Count to Ten before making a comment.
It is not that I care what people think of me or my remarks, but I do need to think of the others' reactions to what comments I make. Talk Less!

Family - I have little complains in this area, except that I wish my kids will "get along" with one another. I cannot interfere too much though. So can I "chicken out" on this? Merely let them know that I do give them Unconditional Love.

Education - Does one ever stop learning? I should continue to learn - the world is my University. Watching TV is not as bad as some make it. I learn a lot from the TV shows, especially from the documentaries. I do need to learn to use my computer and my iPad better.

Faith - I have faith in me. Never lose Hope in Humanity.

Others - My father used to tell me, "There are always those who are better than you, and there are always those who are not as fortunate as you." I will try to do my little part to help whose who are less fortunate, in health and otherwise, than I am.

Now, we will find out at the end of the Year to see how I do.

Would you like to do the same?

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