Sunday, November 2, 2014

While I Still Have My Wits With Me

In a couple of days, it will mark my "four-months posting" on my blog.
I want to thank you for being my cheering squad. 
You honor me by reading my posts. I thank you.

The journey has been incredible for me.

You see, I am still new at this game.
Thank you for allowing me to be me.
By now, you have a pretty good idea of what I am like as a person - sincere, honest, straight forward to a fault, but warm and genuine. 

I will try to slow down and smell the roses, make corrections of gross writing mistakes. You know I am careless, particularly when I am in a hurry. 
For instance, yesterday morning, I was rushing off to a workshop in Madill (yes, I still go to workshops to learn), and I posted my work and totally missed the misspelling of the simple word "TO". Sorry! But you know what I meant.

My biggest fear is one day I would not be able to Say What I Mean, and yet knowing that something is wrong.

I was reading a book, Buffalo Lockjaw, about a young man struggling with the problem with his mother who had Alzheimer decease while she was only in her early sixties. It was a beautifully written and compelling fiction (but so true to life). 

I have known a number of friends and their loved ones who were affected by this debilitating decease. Some passed away after a very long and agonizing period of their lives and some are still living with it. It is so difficult for the family to cope.

I don't know which way is better.
The patient knowing what is going on with himself or herself.
Or, the patient oblivious of what is going on - it is definitely harder on the family this way. The patient would be Happy-go-lucky.

Anyway, while I still have most of my wits with me, I want to share with you some more of my escapades.


  1. You neglected to mention well read, intelligent, beautiful, and a joy to be around.

  2. I look forward to reading of your escapades.

  3. Anonymous1/16/2015

    We are enjoying it! Thanks.
