Sunday, August 3, 2014

Karachi, Pakistan

In a way , I wished that we had more time in Bombay. Bombay had such interesting history.
Did I say History???
Well. Would you believe that I now really wish that I had a History teacher who would tell me that History IS made of Stories. Stories of people. Stories of events. Why did I not see History in such lights? I would have loved History if I had a different teacher in my beginning year at HKU. My Third Year and Fourth Year History teacher, Prof. E., from England of course, was not too bad, but he was so biased. I had such arguments with him concerning Opium Wars - I saw them from my Chinese point-of-view, and he saw them from the Englishman's point-of-view. East and West, the twins shall never meet! I said that History books were written by People, and people were basically biased. It depended on which side of the fence you are on. Right? He disagreed, of course. So, what do you think? 

I do love to hear stories, stories of mankind.

My father used to say, You have to know the past (history) in order to understand the present - who we were and where we are and so on. He was a smart man.

It was not too far a distance from Bombay to Karachi - over night, I believe. May be a couple of nights?
So here we were in the Arabian Sea.
Tales of the Arabian Nights came to my mind. What do we expect in Karachi? AliBaBa, the magic lamp, genie?
Maybe not, we were not quite in Arabian country yet.

The largest city in  Pakistan, Karachi, had lots of similarities as Bombay as far as the crowds, sights, and sounds go. There were differences, of course.
At the time when I visited Karachi, the population was not at all like what it is today - today it has over 23 million people  - some 6,000 people per square mile. I cannot even imagine the denseness! Anyway, if my memory serves me right, I saw lots of people in Karachi even then.
 I remember the many bathers in the sea, with their caps and clothes on no less.
I remember seeing the many women doing laundry in the river.       
I remember seeing a burial in the sea - with a procession. They were carrying the dead body wrapped in white clothes, covered with flowers . . .
I remember the floating flowers in the water - some sort of ceremony for the dead?
Then, there were the many oxen. Men and beasts in the river.

There were a lot of people.
What a sight!

We did not tarry too long in the area, we definitely did not want to be lost there. 

I would like to find Aladdin's lamp.

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